James River Capital

The Difference In Technology

There has been a vast shift in technology in the past few decades. It’s obvious that many people have had their minds blown by the changes that have occurred over …

Office Technology Disputes

Sometimes back, it would be challenging to come across a company or a startup utilizing both combinations of mac and PC at their workplaces. Recently, we have seen that strictness …

Qualities Of A Good Technological Leader

There are an immense amount of ways that people can improve their relationships with clients. The primary aspect to focus on is keeping a healthy mental attitude. When personal life …

Ken Kurson: His Service In Media

There is no one better qualified to undertake such great responsibilities in media relations as Ken Kurson. He has comprehension in politics, finance, economics, journalism, mass media relations, and many …

The Boom of Zoom

Zoom has transformed the way the world communicates. Since the start of COVID-19, Zoom has been booming. Stocks have been skyrocketing because of how much the app is used. Teachers,  …