Weight Loss is About the Whole Person, Not Just the Pounds

As with virtually everything else, obesity levels in the US have been affected by the COVID pandemic as well. In fact, almost half of US adults have gained weight since the pandemic began, with the average weight gain hitting nearly 30lbs. For 10%, the weight gain was as high as 50 pounds. Not only that, but the majority of us feel that post-pandemic weight loss is even harder than it already was prior to COVID. 

Part of what makes weight loss so difficult for us is the fact that we often feel judged rather than helped by those in the medical community. Sadly, some patients report actually canceling appointments due to fear of their doctor’s comments after weigh in. It’s unquestionable that there is a stigma and a bias about obesity and patient’s fears aren’t completely ungrounded. 

Perhaps the main reason for a disconnect between obese patients and their physicians is that the majority of doctors having received the training they need to feel comfortable guiding their patients through weight management. 

Weight gain isn’t a simple or only physical problem. It involves the entire person and can easily be based on a traumatic experience rather than a physical issue. 

When it comes to weight loss, it’s critical that both patients and their physicians begin to focus on helping the entire person rather than just treating the symptoms.

Weight Loss Isn't What You Think​