The Importance of Strong Leadership

Leadership is a quality that can be found in many different individuals. As one grows and develops, there are aspects of leadership the most mature. Shalom Lamm, and excellent leader, has found many positives to being there when people needed him. Leadership is about reliability, responsibility, and respect.

Dependable leadership is needed in many sectors of the professional and personal world. A parent is an example of a leader and so is a CEO. There are many different variables that go into what defines a strong leader and it’s all very fluid. As a result of being a good leader to many, positives will continue to inspire people. Think about your favorite superhero or athlete. Are they considered leaders?Indeed, a leader is not self-diagnosed but represented by who they affect. A lot of interviewers ask, “are you a leader or a follower?”. How is one supposed to know the quality of their leadership with that question? A strong leader would say both. Knowing when to stand down in situations and let the students teach is what impacts a person’s life. Shalom Lamm records reading about how to be a more diverse and inclusive leader in books and online. There is no such thing as the perfect leader because there is no perfect person. With that, striving to do the best one can in a given situation is as perfect as a strong leader can get.