Taking time off of work is much more important than many people realize. When people don’t take adequate time off of their work there can be serious consequences which they hadn’t anticipated such as decreases in mental health and overall happiness. Helen Schifter is a big advocate of taking time off work in order to focus on mental health and suggests that these tips be followed for a proper work-life balance. Here are five benefits of taking time off of work:
1. Decreased Burnout. Working hard is a great thing for many people, but when pushed too hard either by themselves or by the company that they work at, working hard without many breaks can put a worker at risk for burning out. When someone doesn’t take enough time off of work they can become increasingly stressed and eventually burnout. Burnout is when someone has a loss of personal identity and becomes emotionally and/or physically exhausted from their job. Taking time off from work helps the person to recoup their mental and physical energy while they rest so they can be productive and happy at their jobs, and continue to work without becoming depressed, anxious, and drained.
2. Strengthened Personal Relationships. When people work all the time they don’t have as much time to put into their relationships with their friends, family, and significant others. This can lead to people feeling isolated and becoming depressed. Humans need social interaction and therefore need to take time for it even if that means taking off days from work. Taking off some time can help people reconnect with the people they miss and spend quality time with the loved ones that they don’t get to see as much.
3. Exploration of Hobbies. Helen Schifter believes that working can be a great source of professional development but typically it isn’t as much of a help with personal development. Work can take away from time where people would otherwise be using for hobbies such as making music, creating art, learning about new topics, and playing sports. When people take time from their work lives, the time they spend on their personal endeavors can be deeply rewarding and can help people continue feeling content with their lives.
4. Increased Productivity. Taking the much needed time away to relax and recharge will give any worker renewed energy for when they return to their job. Taking time away from work can actually help people focus better and increase their productivity when they return. After taking a break from a job it will be easier to get through the day without as much struggle and feel up for new challenges. People that take off time regularly will be better able to finish tasks in effective time frames, communicate more clearly with their coworkers, and get more done in a day.
5. A More Stable Career. When people don’t take enough time off of work, they will eventually get exhausted and not be able to take their jobs anymore. This will lead them to finding another job, or getting stuck in a long process of job searching. Instead, if people take the time that they need for themselves, they will be able to maintain their occupation and the career that they had started, making a more stable and predictable path for themselves.