As a
leading real estate investor, Sean Tissue, and his real estate investment and
development company, Centureon Investments, is probably best known for providing
real estate investors with opportunities in highly rewarding turnkey investment
opportunities in key U.S. markets.
For many years there was a general misconception about business and real estate; mainly that in order for you to win, someone else had to lose. Or that being cold and oblivious the back pains of others was a requirement for becoming wealthy and achieving great returns. Under the leadership of Tissue, Centureon is proving that this is far from the case.
his early days of getting into real estate investing, Tissue has continuously
created innovative approaches to providing full-service help for international
property investors and helping his company execute on delivering some of the
most desirable performances. Tissue has proven that you can do good business,
generously help others, and create sustainable win-win-win solutions for
everyone without sacrificing service and treatment towards others. In fact,
their success is not in spite of these commitments to individual investors and
the communities they operate in, but because of them.
Real Estate Company Focused on its Clients
Sean Tissue led Centureon’s rise by focusing on people. When he was first getting started, he found a broken marketplace. One that failed to serve real estate investors with an experience that made investing easy. One which also failed to deliver reliable portfolio performance after acquisitions were made. The data available was lacking, the service was poor, fragmented and far from transparent, and asset managers weren’t interested in or capable of providing consistent results and cash flow to retail property investors. Tissue decided to change all this.
With Centureon Investments, Tissue not only brought together a band of experienced industry experts to deliver the best to every part of the process but created transparency, as well. He established an incredible system designed to be hyperresponsive to customer communications and built himself, and his company, a reputation of superior results through better property management. This not only applies to the benefits of investors but vendors and renter clients as well. They are treated better which keeps them coming back, which is a great benefit to both parties.
With high standards on the property management side, speedily answering all inquiries for maintenance issues quickly and in a caring way and proactively working to increase satisfaction and reduce turnover, allows both the tenant and landlord to come out winners.
Good Business, Because It’s the Right Thing to Do
In addition to extensively working toward the success of all involved parties, the team at Centureon Investments is constantly working towards the overall betterment of local markets through their involvement and investments. This happens through carefully renovating properties and beautifying neighborhoods, as they’ve done in Detroit. This helps create more opportunities for all residents in the areas, which in turn has the great side effect of elevating the asset performance and value of properties for investors.
Investments manages housing at all price points, ensuring it keeps affordable
housing accessible for those that need it. Centureon has also worked to help
those in need throughout these markets. One of its programs includes helping to
house the homeless throughout the difficult Midwest winters. Many property
owners leave their houses and apartments empty while thousands are left to
sleep in the elements and brave the brutal winters in Detroit. Centureon’s
program makes use of any vacant units by ensuring those who are in need can
benefit from the shelter. The company even provides local transportation that
enables these individuals and families to easily move into their temporary
dwelling while removing the risks and discomfort of overcrowded shelters, or
worse, sleeping outside in the dead of winter.
from The Front
As CEO of Centureon Investments, Sean Tissue fully understands the need for the continued growth of the company’s portfolio, infrastructure, and results for its investors. He also stands committed to engaging in better business practices and maintaining an organization that is committed to educating its clients while helping them make wise investment decisions. This all-encompassing business acumen allows Centureon and its clients to focus on their own finances while keeping focused on the long-term impact and outcome of how they choose to invest and who they invest with.
It is clear that if more real estate companies and professionals were this proactive the world would be a better place. However, knowing that at least one CEO is taking his company down this road leads to the possibility that others will soon follow suit.
People follow the leaders in their industry, and it is becoming clearer by the day that Sean Tissue and Centureon Investments are natural leaders in the real estate investment industry.