What Investors Should Consider when Purchasing a Rental Property

Investors that are looking to purchase a rental property need to consider many things before making a final purchase such as location, what the seller is asking for, the number of bedrooms, etc. After Investors analyze the most important things before purchasing a rental property, they should also consider the condition of the property, primarily the windows. 

If Investors realize that the rental property needs new windows, it could actually be a positive thing for the investor. Within the investor’s budget, purchasing a rental property and new windows could not only help maintain the property value but increase the investor’s profitability depending on the kind of windows the investor puts in. Windows that have multiple layers to insulate home temperatures can dramatically decrease the Investor’s energy bill since the home does not need to use more energy to maintain the temperature inside as it did before. 

Thus, decreasing the energy bill helps widen the investor’s cash flow which is what most investors are looking for in a rental property. Investors that calculate their energy bills to decrease by 50% would drastically change things for how they view a healthy rental property before making a purchase since they would see that old windows is not a red flag but rather an investment opportunity within itself. Learn more about window replacement cost in the infographic below:

The Value of Windows
Source: WindowNation.com