Kentucky Addressing The Postsecondary Educational Gap in Adult Learners

Nearly 1.4 million adults in Kentucky do not have a postsecondary education, meaning these individuals do not possess a degree past high school. 928,000 or 66% have never enrolled in college, while 464,000 or 33% have some college credit but no degree. 

A postsecondary education is not only important for closing workforce gaps and increasing household income, it is going to be required by 63% of all jobs in Kentucky by 2031. While a higher education may be encouraged by most employers, it is not always realistic. 

Financial barriers are present, with nearly 50% of students relying on a Pell Grant to help fund their education. Nearly half of the adult learners are parents who struggle paying high childcare costs. Academic readiness is another huge factor to consider as many of the learners have been out of school for quite some time. 
To address these barriers, Kentucky has implemented strategies and resources for adult learners to minimize the hassle of returning to the academic world. These solutions include adult learner communities, professional development resources, childcare networks, and workforce partnership opportunities. Adult learners attaining a postsecondary education improves both the individual and economic state of Kentucky as a whole.

Pathways to Prosperity for Kentucky Adults
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative