As much as one would assume that a hashing app is struggling in 2020, it’s surprisingly not. Shalom Lamm is a well-known relator who enjoys using the app himself. It’s almost a social media that people use to see what houses nearby are for sale and also to expand their knowledge on pricing.
Zillow was created with the intention to drive business up for realtors, which it did. With hundreds of people moving out of major cities, rural realtors are highly appreciative of the app’s development. Zillow allows the realtors and consumers to be in direct contact easily through phone or email. This drives up business and closes sales much faster than old techniques. As silly as it sounds, Zillow is used by people who have no intention of moving. So much of the app’s development went into digging into the psychology of the human brain. What do they want? What design is most attractive? Will they neter the app if they’re bored? Shalom Lamm thinks the founders are geniuses and records surfing the app to anyone.