The inflation hike brought on by the COVID pandemic has taken a frightening toll on the bank accounts of many Americans, and unfortunately, we can often feel that there’s nothing we can personally do to take a proactive stance in protecting our finances. The price increase on everything from fuel to eggs is a strain on everyone and, unfortunately, our incomes don’t often increase at the same rate as inflation.
While it may seem like everything is completely out of our control, there are some things we can do individually, to get through this difficult time with our finances still intact. One of the most significant actions to take is investing in real estate.
Right now, we’re in a seller’s housing market as the need for housing simply isn’t aligned with the availability of homes nor with the availability of materials. Supply chain breakdowns caused by the pandemic, have meant a significant slowing in building of new homes and rental properties.
As the demand is high, so are rental prices, which means that real estate investors are seeing a greater ROI on their rental properties. While rental prices ebb and flow with inflation, mortgages remain constant, which is one thing that makes real estate a sound investment to get through inflation periods successfully.