All parents try to make the best choices for their children’s education. This decision is made more complicated when you are living overseas with your minor children. Every country has a different approach to education, and some government programs will not be up to the standards that you would choose for your children. But being overseas should not be a barrier to a good education. In fact, it is possible to provide your child with a superior education, through enrolling in an international school. You might even pay less than you would at home. Many successful people have started out life as the child of an expat; traveling the world and experiencing other cultures and experiences that would not be available in their own nations.
Local Options: Educational programs in different countries are as varied as the cultures they are in. But the fact remains that government schools are created for the masses, and they must accommodate all levels of student ability and do so with a budget filtered through many hands. Another problem of government schools is that they are offered in the language of the nation, and if that isn’t your child’s language, schooling might be impossible. Also, government schools are generally designed to create good citizens of that nation, but those traditions might be quite incompatible with success in other lands.
Home Schools: Home schooling can be the very best option for some. Home schools have a high success rate and children in home schools outshine the students at government schools on a regular basis. However, this is only an optimal choice for people who have time, and a knack for teaching. And if you have kids that are not self-starters, the supervision of their learning can be a full-time job. Another shortfall is that home schooling is not optimised to take advantage of the local culture. In contrast, children enrolled in a prep school in Bangkok, for example, will be surrounded by Thai children and will have many cultural experiences with children of other nations as well.
International School: Choosing an international school is usually the more expensive choice for an expat, but this is usually considered when deciding to move to a foreign country. This is one of the challenges of having an international family. But the benefits of an international school are worth much more than the cost. In an international school your child will be assured a high standard of education. The reputation of such schools is created by producing children that can seamlessly enter the secondary education system of various countries. Another benefit of international schools is that they prepare children for the global environment. This means a mastery of English, and the tools to be successful in many environments.
Raising a child in another country can be one of the greatest gifts you can give to that child. The experience will set them apart and broaden their perspectives, while giving them a top-level education and exposure to many cultures. The best way to accomplish this is through an accredited international school. If you are worried about education overseas, be assured, excellent opportunities are available wherever you go.