Virtually every single industry around the world features a number of businesses competing for the same customers. The failure to attract large numbers of these customers could be the thing that prevents a company from turning a profit or even being a continue to run as a business in the future. With this in mind, any time you contact a new potential customer or client, says Grekkon, it is important to make the best first impression possible. With this in mind, here is a look at some of the ways you can make your business stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Make your brand shine on every email
You might think that emails are often the blandest way of communicating with people. As it is just a few paragraphs of black text in a dull font on a white background, pretty much every single email looks the same before you read it. As every person receives so many of these emails every single day of the week, it is highly likely that many of them will go unread. That is why it is important to include something in every email that will make it stand out. One of the best ways to add a bit of color to any email whilst still making it look professional is to create a bespoke email footer. By using an email signature creator software, you can create footers that do not just inform people about your name and job title. They can inform people about exactly what the business does, any awards or accolades they have won and can even include images of products you sell to give them a better idea of exactly what they could be receiving.
Do not keep them on hold on the phone for too long
When somebody tries ringing your office, it is important to try and answer that call as quickly as possible. If you do not answer it within a few rings, it is highly likely that they will simply hang up. If there is another business they could try near them providing the same products or services, it is highly likely that they will try ringing them instead. Encourage everybody in your business to rush the phone when possible, to make sure you do not miss any of the potential customers. Consider also investing in an answering machine to catch any messages that you might miss because you are too busy on another call.
Follow up on any initial chats
Once you have had a discussion with a potential customer, whether that be via email, phone or face to face, it is important to keep track of the progress of that discussion. If you have not heard any more from the potential client or customer in a few days or weeks, try approaching again to ask them if they have any more queries you can answer. It could be that they had completely forgotten about the discussion, lost your contact details or been too busy to reply, so this intervention could help secure any deal that could have been lost.