Helen Lee Schifter has been observing a rather untraditional trend over the course of the last several years. More and more entrepreneurs seem to finally be recognizing the value of mindfulness and ensuring that their psychological and mental health are taken care of just as much as their physical health.
This is a development that has been a long time coming; with many health experts having wished it arrived much sooner. Some will certainly speculate that the health pandemic of the Coronavirus accelerated the thinking on this issue. And they’ve certainly felt this way, for good reason.
Indeed, according to health experts, this is a constructive trend. Helen Lee Schifter agrees with this sentiment, as she has championed the need for a greater appreciation for mental wellness in her writing and blogposts. But unfortunately, until the latest health pandemic struck, few seemed to be heeding her calls, and those of her colleagues. That has since changed; and one can only hope that these changes are durable and ever lasting, as they should be. There are many people who strongly believe that these changes are here to stay. Amen to that.