Every entreprenuer knows that a lot goes into making a successful sale. The firm has to develop strategies to ensure that the customers are happy with the product quality, services, and especially the prices in a somewhat competitive market. One of the best-known ways to drive up sales in business is to offer freebies to the customers.
The different offers that the business makes to the customers categorized as freebies come in various forms. They range from discounts, after-sales services, coupons, and free shipping, which prompt the customers to make purchases from your stores. There are several different ways you can implement and offer freebies, but have you considered the exact freebies that your customers can’t resist?
In this article, we highlight three freebies that are so effective that they will keep your customers returning for more. Let’s get to it.
Free Shipping and store pickups
Online stores offer convenience when shopping and ordering goods, which is very much appreciated by the consumers. The challenge sets in when the consumers have to pay additional cash for the delivery of the goods. If you are doing offshore deliveries, the prices are pretty high, and most customers opt out of the purchase with abandoned carts.
Free shipping and free store pickups are among the most irresistible freebies that you can give to your customers. The bed bath and beyond coupon offers free standard shipping for any purchase made by a customer for $29 and above, among other offers. This freebie is a great selling point coupled with free store pickup, which help transition walk-ins into in-store sales.
Next purchase discount coupons
The coupons given to customers serve the purposes of increasing sales during shopping activities. Since businesses thrive with repeat customers who eventually become loyal, you can consider giving discount coupons to be used by the customer on their next purchase. This freebie serves not only the purpose of increasing sales but also converts walk-in customers into repeat shoppers. The Bed Bath and Beyond coupon program is a great example of a firm that gets its customers and incentivizes them to return to shop again.
The idea that a customer has a discount on the next shopping pushes them back to the store. Offering the customer a percentage off the next purchase is a freebie no customer will resist.
Thank you gifts and Loyalty rewards
Giving free physical gifts to your customers as a sign of appreciation is a great freebie that will make them come back to your store for shopping. The beauty of the gifts is that they are unexpected and help to build a positive image of your business. They also help in creating a bond and nurtures a good relationship with the customer.
Loyalty rewards are another way of giving your customers freebies in ways that help build your business. Even though they have to earn loyalty rewards through continual shopping, the customers love them as it is not a must for them to receive it. The need to build loyalty points will make shopping at your store irresistible.