With a long history in finance, Ken Kurson is financially sharing his secrets to success. He is featured on PR Newswire as a distinguished collaborator. His goal is to contribute his knowledge in financial literacy and media to guide young professionals into healthy financial situations.
For over two decades, Kurson has been a well-known writer. He’s written several books which were New York Times Best Sellers. His readers and audiences from other platforms are eager to know more about becoming financially independent. As students move out of their comfort zone, also known as their parent’s house, it’s important for them to comprehend any financial burdens that might lie ahead. Kurson’s first form of advice is to plan ahead. As one can expect, being able to plan ahead for every scenario is merely impossible. However, having a set of goals can ultimately lead to relief in financial burdens. For example, saving is extremely important for young adults. As the housing market starts to pick up again and student loan payments will be due, the investment percentage will also go up. In other words, the amount of money in a savings account will grow over time.
As many people can already guess, Kurson’s next important step is to avoid getting bad credit. Hold off getting a credit card if you don’t trust that payment dates can be met. Once someone falls off the deep end with harmful credit, it’s very tricky to obtain a good score again. For college students, it’s not recommended to have more than one credit card, especially starting out. Set automatic payment dates, look for the best rates, and don’t buy a luxurious item unless it’s actually affordable. Having a negative credit score can impact future loans, being able to purchase a car, and many other factors no one thinks about. Parents have a very tricky job. Paying for insurance, food, clothes, their own costs, and so much more is not easy. It takes a lot more to raise a family then young people expect. Which leads Ken to his next point.
Although this doesn’t directly correspond with finances, it may be the most important point Kurson has to offer. Be nice to your guardians and parents. If it’s your grandma or your dad raising you, it doesn’t matter, be thankful for everything they have done for you to get you to where you are now. According to the California Globe, it is important to invest in yourself and your future, but it’s just as important to invest in the people who helped you become who you are. Buying your mom flowers takes about $5 and it is something she will remember for years to come. Sitting down to thank those who have financially helped you and never asked for anything in return is crucial. People seem to forget that there are those who have had to go through life on their own. No help from grandpa or Aunt X. It’s so important to continue giving gratitude to those around us and those who have helped us to be financially stable during life. So next time your mom says no, you can’t do something, don’t throw a fit, just be thankful for her generosity in so many other regards.Finance can be a tricky subject to get a handle on. It takes years of trial and error before finally grasping a handle in being comfortably situated. Being patient is also another crucial part of growing to be financially independent. It certainly doesn’t happen overnight. There will be times when one will feel lost or confused about their financial issues. In addition, there will be times when money is of the essence and loans will have to be sought out. Just remember, that it’s okay to take out money, but make sure no one is scamming you of extremely high-interest rates. Once again, that’s why keeping good credit is crucial. As shown in HuffPost, information is everywhere and it can be used to anyone’s disposal. If finance is a devastating issue for you or your family, it might be a good idea to speak help. Best of all, there are free ways of doing it, like YouTube or your bank’s financial counselors. Kurson says that resources are everywhere and it’s important to take advantage of them when you can.