Elijah Norton Veritas Global Protection Knows The Customer Is King

According to Elijah Norton, the CEO of Veritas Global Protection, the customer should come first. The customer is king; this is a message that Norton constantly emphasizes. Norton is quick to emphasize that there is only one boss; the customer, he can fire everyone from the CEO on down simply by deciding to spend his money elsewhere. Elijah Norton Veritas Global Protection is a big believer in customer service. He has built all his businesses by providing rock-solid customer service.

Value Added Service

If there is one piece of advice that Elijah Norton can provide to budding entrepreneurs it is offering value to customers. The customer spends their hard-earned money and they expect to receive value-added service. That is why his auto protection company strives to provide customers with the best value for money through innovation. At Veritas Global Protection, they are constantly innovating and creating new products. They want to make sure that the customer is receiving state-of-the auto protection when they are on the road.


Elijah Norton Veritas Global Protection believes in leaving no stone unturned when it comes to customer service and innovation. That is what separates his company from the competition. Norton has been around for a long time in the automotive finance and insurance industry to know that many companies care less for the customer. All that they are interested in is making a quick profit. In fact, he says that this industry is known for shady business practices and many experts will agree with him.

Overnight Success

Satisfy the customer and the money will come later; Norton advises entrepreneurs. Putting profit ahead of customer interests is the sure path to business failure. He advises entrepreneurs to avoid the lure of quick success because it breeds greed. 

Having been an entrepreneur for over one decade, Norton knows that there is no such thing as an overnight success. He states that true success takes years and not months. His first business didn’t succeed until after 3 years. Norton advocates for patience for anyone who is looking forward to starting a business. The best things come to those who wait. According to Elijah Norton, an idea will keep on evolving and the final product might be something very different from what a person started with.

A Happy Customer is a Return Customer

 Norton believes that the customer is the most important business asset. His company prides itself on providing the most innovative products and competitive rates in the auto protection industry. Norton understands that a happy customer is a return customer. That is why he takes it upon himself to address every unsatisfied customer. He knows that an unhappy customer is the greatest source of learning.


Elijah Norton Veritas Global Protection attributes the success of his business to being responsive. To him, customer service doesn’t end when he makes a sale. His team always follows up with clients long after the sale has been completed. Norton always strives to have the lifetime business of his clients. He takes a long-term approach to customer service.

Morning Routine

Norton’s morning routine involves taking coffee and a protein shake. It is an old habit that makes him energized for the day. Above all, he prepares his mind for the day ahead. He likes to start every day on a positive note. After he gets out of bed he tells himself that his main goal for the day is to make a difference. Elijah Norton believes in leaving an impactful life. He believes in leaving the world a better place than how he found it. He sees every day as an opportunity to develop new solutions for the challenges facing humanity.

A parting shot from Elijah Norton is that everyone should do his part. As for his part, it is developing the best auto protection plans for customers all over North America. For more information about Elijah Norton Veritas Global Protection, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/elijah-norton-9535b460/.