Blending Media and Technology: What Makes Sense for Business Owners?

Using media to aid in the sale of technology, including emobility applications and other types of difficult-to-explain technologies, is hard. When solutions are complicated enough that they aren’t readily understood, then business owners and their team will struggle. Equally, for media-based companies that produce digital solutions such as websites, videos, presentations, and other end products for other businesses, they need to overcome the complexity too. Often, a meeting of minds is required for the latter to understand the former.

For business owners wanting their products to be better understood in the marketplace and strengthen cash flow, blending media and their technology is required. Here are some suggestions on how to do just that.

Websites “For Illustration Purposes Only”

Websites aimed at industrial or other commercial sectors may be created using the assumption that potential buyers already understand what they’re offering. Clients sometimes expect site visitors to come to them rather than first needing to clearly answer what their product does or what problems it solves.

While a website might strictly speaking be “only for illustration purposes” with sales mainly conducted over the phone or in follow-on meetings to clinch large sales in the six, seven, or eight-figure deals, that doesn’t mean that’s all that should be required. Far from it.

Explain First, Answer Questions Later?

While many commercial buyers know what they’re looking at, they each come to the table with a differing amount of knowledge. A potential customer’s previous industry experience is likely to be varied. So, for instance, if they’re looking at a solution that applies to the farming industry, like with emobility applications, then their understanding of how the product works or why it’s beneficial may lack clarity for them.

Therefore, a website or other promotional materials need to not assume a complete understanding by the potential buyer. Indeed, several presentations, video walkthroughs, or illustrated videos may be needed to allow for different experience sets possessed by potential commercial buyers.

Newer Technology is Even Less Understood

When a business is producing new solutions that weren’t available in the market before or even if they’re a modern twist on something previously available, it needs explaining and demonstrating. While the researchers, product creators, and the sales team may be completely up to speed on their latest technology or machinery, the newer it is in formulation, the less readily it will be grasped. Bear in mind that commercial buyers aren’t going to want to necessarily come clean that the explanation was lost on them, especially if their manager is present in the room at the time too.

Companies must appreciate this reality and ask a polite clarifying question to assess their knowledge early on. That way, they can provide presentations that won’t go over their head. Needless to say, careful use of industry or technological jargon is required to avoid leaving some people confused.

Take Advantage of the Digital Medium to Overcome Areas of Confusion

Use all the digital medium options available to visualize solutions for potential buyers. Use sketch animations combined with voiceovers to explain equipment or other solutions while they’re visibly assembled. Turn potentially confusing technological solutions into ones that make sense.

Develop multi-layered concepts to match either varied experience levels or for a specific industry. Create solutions to overcome common confusion from people who’ve come to the industry from a different one. Find the points of misunderstanding and discover new ways to explain or demonstrate things which remove the obstacle for the next potential buyer who may have similar sticking points.

By using the digital realm including diagrams, animated video, and walkthroughs, it’s possible to market complex products to make them readily comprehensible. For buyers tasked with selecting the best solution for their company, this can help them avoid getting egg on their face and to select the most relevant product solution. That’s a win-win that they’ll surely appreciate.