As the old adage goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Many people online are always on the search for the shiny new thing, be it the latest social media app or cutting edge technology. Despite the advances of the web, sticking with a time tested technology still performs incredibly well – email. Suffice to say, email is not dead and continues to even outperform a lot of what others spend lots of time on in their online marketing mix.
In the modern marketplace, email often gets a bad rap and is associated with spam. That’s why you should utilize a proper email marketing platform when you are ready to build and market to a mature list. Email marketing is certainly not a one size fits all situation, so keep that in mind when looking at what might be good at the start of your journey versus a well-seasoned email marketer. Picking the best email marketing services is a serious decision.
Email marketing is alive and well – the question is how do you determine what is the best email marketing services for you? Check out this visual deep dive on a number of features and benefits to keep a lookout for more: