Author of How to Make a Million Dollars in One Day and Never Have to Work Again, Michael Bash

Michael Bash author of Million Dollar Miracle: How to Earn Millions of Dollars in One day and Never work again provides his method of how to buy and rezone land in order to earn an enormous profit and continue the procedure. With more than fifty years of expertise, Michael Bash offers his expertise and advice based on how to implement his rezoning methods. Through stories and humor, you’ll discover how Michael has made his fortune and how you can achieve a similar outcome!

What’s your story? 

I was born and was raised in Jerusalem. Since a very young age, I was fascinated by religion and enjoyed the tale of how Paul/Saul occupied the city and expanded it. I’ve always been interested in electronics, and I had an uncle living in New Jersey who could help me. I emigrated to the U.S., and after having completed my education, I was offered an electronic job. In this position, I assisted in the reprocessing of an operational device that produced one unit, which was later expanded up to 24 units. These two instances that stick in my head where I realized that I could modify something to improve it , thereby increasing its production and efficiency, as well as the way it helped other people.

Define the steps involved in starting the business. 

Rezoning involves a number of primary steps. The first step is to research the piece of land you want to buy to rezon by looking at the type of land it islocated in, the type of schools within the vicinity, nearby businesses, etc. The next step is to go to city council meetings and meet individuals like council members and the mayor, as well as the neighbors. If you are able to meet these individuals prior to the meeting and assist them in helping achieve their goals, they might be more willing to assist you. For instance, I purchased an area of 20 acres for a bargain because of an incinerator near. By constructing a wall and beautifying the property I was able to conceal the things that most people find ugly. I also negotiated with neighbors to get their approval before making use of 1 acre of the property to improve the size of their property.

Since the launch, what’s been the most effective strategy to draw and keep customers? (or from other companies/investors who are supportive of you)

It’s my ability to connect with people, especially women that has assisted my career and personal life. I’m a person of good will who has always enjoyed people. I was raised that way and it wasn’t something that was instilled to me. I also enjoy charity work and enjoy helping those who are less fortunate.

What are you doing today and what will the future appear to be? 

At the age of 90 I’m healthy and robust! I had a conversation with a a fortune teller once, who said to me that I’ll live until the age of 102! I’d like to write a new book within the next few years. I’m also interested in working with a young person that I could teach and who can assist me in the running around for the revoking work.

Since you started your business, have you learned anything that was particularly useful or beneficial? 

I’ve learned a lot throughout my years of rezoning properties. The majority of people are looking in the wrong areas when searching for properties to purchase or develop. Be sure to look at areas that are empty and undeveloped.

What tools or platforms do you employ to run your company? 

I don’t utilize any tools or platforms to run my business. I depend on my interpersonal skills, my ability to spot opportunities and capitalize on them when I see it. My ability to communicate with others and my genuine desire to assist others are my platform and tools.

What are the most influential books, podcasts or other sources? 

I’ve always loved reading from an early age. Freud, Russian novels come to my mind. Regarding his work I don’t think you require books. In the beginning, I met an excellent real estate professional who was more senior than me. He was able to teach me a lot about the business of real estate. I also purchased property from him, so it was a win-win situation.

Any advice for entrepreneurs looking to start or just getting started? 

Find someone working in the field of real estate. If you don’t have any contacts contact a few people and meet the people to determine which is the best fit for you. Create a win-win scenario in which you learn from them and could also assist them. Don’t be a slave to the standard methods of doing things.