Social media is growing, new platforms are
popping up everyday, and social networking is used by pretty much everyone you
know. As it grows, the business of social media has begun to take more of a
driver’s seat role in the social networking landscape and many companies simply
lose sight of the good old days when a networking website was simply a place to
connect and stay in touch. With recent discoveries about data privacy hacks and
blocked or buried content superseded by those that pay more for your spot in
the social media lineup, you might take pause over the direction that social
media has taken and where you fit into it. Luckily, this a new social media platform that is
ready to take us all back to the golden days of social media. That new social network is AllSocial.
A Beloved
In its original form, social media was a great way for friends and
families to remain in contact. It also was used as a place for strangers to
meet and for new friends to be made. At its heart, social media was about
connection. It allowed people from across the world to discuss similar beliefs,
values, even hobbies.
It also laid the groundwork for discussions
about differences. While not always productive discussions, it was a place
where new perspectives could be introduced if the users were willing to listen
and stay open to adopting them.
A Downward
Recently, many social media platforms have taken on a more
business-focused mindset. Advertisements overwhelm the content and leave the networking
tools sometimes impossible for the user to find on the page. Using some networking platforms is almost
impossible without an ad blocker. Moreover, users recently started to realize
that the advertisements were catered to their own interests.
One user may have discussed wanting a new
computer with a friend in a network chat only to find an ad for computers on
their social media soon after. Suspicions were raised and rightly so. It was
discovered that social media platforms were selling private data to marketing
companies and other third-parties. As a result, ads of varying types were
pushed onto the users, shaping their purchase decisions and even their choices
in life.
For those who create content on social media,
their lives were also made all the more difficult when platforms started to
charge fees for promotional services. Now only those who had money, to begin
with, could become influencers and set the scene for the rest to follow. This
pushed out content creators who were just starting, but still creating quality
content and slowly building a following.
Social media also became an overzealous
watchdog. Those with differing viewpoints suddenly found themselves banned or
punished for speaking about their values and beliefs. Those who weren’t using
hate speech or promoting hate found that just because they had a different
viewpoint than others, they were punished for it, if not banned from the
platform entirely.
Something needed to change and someone needed
to answer the call.
A new social media platform has emerged called AllSocial.
One thing that sets it apart from the other platforms from the very
start was its open policy on data sharing. They guaranteed that the private
information that their users had or shared between private friends would remain
exactly that–private. It would never be sold to third parties.
AllSocial thrives on being an open social
media platform. It welcomes users of all ages, backgrounds, and viewpoints.
While it doesn’t tolerate hate speech or any content that promotes hate towards
any group of people, it doesn’t ban people simply by speaking about their own
viewpoints. It promotes free speech above anything else.
Advertisements Limited
Since AllSocial requires money to run, it has
chosen limited advertising. This means that users can expect small ads on their
However, AllSocial strives to make it as
limited as possible. The ads are also clean and don’t take a strain on the bandwidth
of the user. This allows them to easily use the platform without the ads
bogging down their internet or feed.
Returning to
Its Roots
What AllSocial wants to accomplish is a return
to the early days of social media. During a time when people just connected
with one another and didn’t have to worry about their data being sacrificed to
a company, social media was at its peak. AllSocial’s ultimate goal is to
provide a user experience that returns them to that time. With an emphasis on
free speech, support of its users, and ensuring that everyone’s private data is
protected, it’s a platform for the future that brings the best from the past.
Even if it is focused on highlighting the best
parts of social media from the past, it has its eyes on the future. AllSocial 2.0 intends to bring further
capabilities to its platform. Users can have a smoother video call experience.
Chat capabilities are also going to see an upgrade and will be easier to use
than ever before. It’s even working on something entirely unique called elastic
search. Users can expect great innovations to come from the new social media
platform that will continue to allow them to connect with others and create
content with limited restrictions and censorship.
is Putting the User First
AllSocial is a beacon that all platforms should look
towards. With its roots plated in the golden age of social networking and its
creator looking to the future and building the next waves of technology,
AllSocial is the safe, secure, and innovative new social network that everyone
should want to join.