Your real estate newsletter is a key part of your scale marketing efforts. If you’re receiving more unsubscribe reports than new subscribers, it’s time to change the way you write your newsletter. Use these five tips to create eye-catching emails that inform, inspire and improve your relationship with your clients. Update your email newsletter or start a new one with these tips.
1. Carefully Craft a Creative Title
The title says it all, so make it count. A boring, inaccurate or uninteresting title will turn away readers before they even open your email. Few decisions are as important as your choice of title, so work carefully to make one that counts. When in doubt, work with a real estate marketing team to learn tips and tricks on creating a title for each and every newsletter.
2. Use Fun, Informational Videos
Video marketing is the latest trend in advertising, so work with your team to make videos that make a lasting impression. Engaging videos aren’t overly forceful with a sales pitch, but instead entertain, inspire or inform. Find out what your clients are looking for and use video to communicate that information.
One popular use of informational videos in real estate marketing is DIY tips and tricks. Help your sellers find ways to improve the value of their home, and guide buyers through DIY tasks that give them the confidence they need to purchase a fixer-upper. Videos that walk buyers through a house are also very popular.
3. Work With a Template
A template doesn’t mean an uninspired or bland email. You don’t have to reinvent the marketing wheel every time you send out a newsletter, so consider using real estate email marketing templates to save time on each newsletter. Whether you’re sending out weekly mail or monthly updates, templates help you professionally organize your ideas and send them in a way that works.
4. Inform and Inspire Your Audience
Is your newsletter a giant advertisement or packed with useful content? An advertisement might seem worthwhile to you, but be sure you include plenty of information that helps your audience. Don’t assume you know who your audience is, but use surveys and social media to find out who’s reading your newsletter and what they want to hear. Plan your content around your audience, and don’t be afraid to ask them what they want to hear.
5. Select Evergreen Content
Modern news may cause a buzz, but is unlikely to generate a long-term following for your newsletter. Find content that matters and addresses evergreen issues. How-to videos, design ideas, information about up-and-coming neighborhoods and other evergreen information encourages readers to subscribe. If you look at a back issue of your newsletter and don’t find anything relevant for today’s audience, you need to explore more long-term topics.
Work With a Leading Marketing Agency Today
Update your newsletter design and content strategy with a leading real estate marketing agency. Enjoy content that connects with your audience and an eye-catching format when you use quality templates and other marketing resources. Your newsletter may need improvements, but you don’t need to tackle this project on your own.